
Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½¹Ù·½Èë¿Úr is a place where everyone is valued and supported to think deeply about the big questions of life. Our Anglican identity guides us as we pursue truth and a meaningful life. When we enter into conversation together about this life we learn from and challenge each other to consider our God-given purpose. Jesus is central to these conversations, as the Gospel is key to discovering the truth, beauty and goodness of the world.

School Chaplain Reverend Tim Bowles represents the Anglican faith as he offers encouragement, spiritual support and counselling to our students. He also has a part-time role under the National School Chaplaincy Program and coordinates the Religious and Values Education program.

Prayer support is available for students, staff and families. If you or your family are in need of prayer please contact Reverend Bowles directly:

Students participate Chapel services twice each term following the themes of the Church calendar. They also travel to the local Anglican churches to celebrate Christmas, Easter and St. James day. These services help students form their beliefs and appreciate God’s word, singing together and prayer in the Anglican tradition. School assemblies also involve readings from the Bible, prayers and a message from the Chaplain.

Voluntary Christian Lunch programs provide opportunities for students who wish to explore faith in a more personal way.

May our students discover the meaningful life God has made them for and the joy of following Jesus. Amen.


We aim to follow the greatest commandments which Jesus highlighted in the Gospel of Matthew: to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind and to love our neighbour as we love ourselves.

Service is an area we are seeking to develop in the school. Students currently are able to serve through our bi-annual International Service Trip. Part of the preparation for this trip involves fundraising through school and community events.

We want all of our students to develop characters of service and encourage their awareness of and fundraising for charities, community organisations and global emergency appeals. It is to be modelled by our leaders and practiced by all in the way we speak, the things we celebrate and the purpose of our academic pursuits.